In the last couple of weeks I have been enjoying reading your responses to my survey, and how you would like to see this blog develop. A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who responded; your recipes are on their way. If you haven’t yet responded, I’d still love to hear from you; the survey is very short, and there are still a few recipes to be won! You can respond here.
Here is a summary of what you have told me, and how this blog will improve as a result.
How often would you like me to post?
Most of you are happy with a weekly post, but some of you prefer twice weekly, or fortnightly. I will post weekly, unless there is a challenge on (see below), in which case I shall post twice a week.
How long should my blog posts be?
Your opinion was equally divided between a maximum of 300 words and up to 500 words. So if I aim for an average of 400 words, that should suit most people.
What sort of articles interest you?
The most popular choices were hearing about personal challenges, comments on nutrition stories in the news, articles on seasonal ingredients and recipes. You were also interested in food-related issues such as food poverty, unusual ingredients and their properties, and top tips. So now you can expect:
- A new challenge starting in mid-September. No spoilers yet, but you’re going to love it!
- A featured seasonal food each month.
- At least one article a month with my view of a nutrition-related story or issue which has been grabbing the headlines.
- Links to recipes, either my own or on other websites. Don’t forget you can check out my ‘recipes’ tab at any time.
- Tips on selecting and preparing various foods (thank you to the reader who suggested this).
What is important to you when reading a blog?
Of prime importance to you are:
- A balanced article, encompassing different perspectives
- Practical things to do
- Humour and fun
I shall aim to incorporate all of these, so feel free to post me comments on how I am getting on.
If there is something else that you would enjoy seeing, or you would like to have your say about the development of this blog, you can still participate in the survey by clicking on this link.
Please keep in touch and let me know how I am doing. Thank you again to everyone who has supported me so far. Don’t forget to tell you friends about me!