Week 2 has been a lot harder than Week 1.
This has been a week of celebrations and parties, all of which have come with their own sweet temptations. It seems impossible to go anywhere without encountering some form of tantalizingly presented or packaged oh-so-sweet item. This morning I passed a concession stall in a railway station, and every single item on display contained sugar. You become much more aware of just how much of the white stuff is out there.
It’s been a hard week emotionally as well; a teacher from my schooldays, a clever, kind and compassionate man, passed away suddenly, triggering all my instincts to comfort eat. I can’t tell you how much I wanted a brownie.
There are, of course, things that you can do to avoid sugar, even at group events, such as not going anywhere near the pudding table, but there are times when sugar leaps at you, giving you the metaphorical finger. For instance, today I had lunch out with a friend and she ate both the complementary chocolate mints in front of me. If there’s one scent guaranteed to drive me wild with desire, it’s chocolate mint. Ooohhhh the smell of it!
This Week’s Top Tip
When such a situation occurs, I have a cunning plan. Here’s how it works:
- Before starting the challenge I spent a little time really thinking about what success would look like. I imagined having more energy, being happier and maybe slimmer, wearing glamorous clothes with confidence and feeling successful. I made a really compelling picture of success.
- Whenever I encounter a difficult situation I bring that picture to mind. I make it as real as I can. I ask myself, “Is the taste of that sweet stuff really sweeter than the taste of success?” The answer is always “No”.
- If that isn’t enough, I imagine the consequences of failure. I imagine letting myself down. I imagine having to admit to all of you that I had failed. I imagine the self-recriminations that would result. It’s not a pretty picture; it hurts, but my goodness it works.
Incidentally, full credit for this idea must go to Marisa Peer, who has been a bit of a life-changer for me. You may hear more about her on this blog on other occasions.
Did I mention that I have lost another 2lbs in weight?
Week 2 Homework
If you are joining me on my challenge your homework is to give this a go. Your mental pictures will be different from mine, but take 10 minutes to think really carefully about what success would look like, and what the consequences of failure would be. Write them down if you need to, and carry them wherever you go. It’s not the complete answer, but I have found it incredibly helpful. If you do try it, please feel free to share your feedback by commenting on this page. I love to hear from you!
Coming soon:
- My first ‘seasonal food of the month’ feature
- My ‘sugar-free survival kit’