As winter draws in, there’s a lot of talk in the air about Vitamin D. But what is it, where can you get it, and do you really need a supplement? This article aims to take you closer to the answers to these questions, and more. What is Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a dietary …
Category Archive: Uncategorized
Oct 11
Blood pressure lifestyle advice? Take it with a pinch of salt.
Today I look at why the conventional wisdom about lifestyle and blood pressure may not be particularly helpful, and what else to bear in mind when taking care of your blood pressure. I was reading a public post recently from a lady who wanted to know how to reduce blood pressure naturally. I shouldn’t have …
Sep 25
Know Your Numbers: 6 Ways to Reduce Salt
There’s been a bit of controversy about the salt/blood pressure issue in the last couple of years. Critics claim that the obsession with reducing dietary salt has been harmful, we have gone too far, and that there’s no real evidence that reducing salt is helpful in reducing blood pressure. In fact, there have been many …
Sep 03
Sweatember 2018 Day 2
It’s 11pm. I’ve been on a pharmacology course all day, followed by a mad dash to make the train for a 4-hour journey from Edinburgh to London. I’m tired, I’m cold, I’m missing my husband and I just want to go to bed. BUT it’s Day 2 of Sweatember, and I promised to be active …
Jul 03
Healthy Eating Week: 5 of 5 – Make one Change
For their final challenge, the British Nutrition Foundation is encouraging us to ‘make one change’. Do keep reading to the end of this post (or scroll ahead) for some helpful resources). I’m not keen on the word ‘change’. I don’t think anyone, aside from those who are a danger to society, should have to change …
Jun 20
Healthy Eating Week: 4 of 5
How many times have you heard the saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? The British Nutrition Foundation would certainly like you to believe that. But is it true? There are some studies that suggest that people who want to lose weight have a slightly better chance of doing so if they …
Jun 15
Healthy Eating Week: 3 of 5
Get Active Although this is called ‘healthy eating week’, the BNF is addressing other aspects of lifestyle as well. Staying active is one of the best things you can do to keep your body and mind healthier for longer. The current recommendation is to do 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity 5 days a week. …
Jun 14
Healthy Eating Week: Part 2 of 5
Vital Veggies Today I’m talking to you about vegetables and fruit. The BNF would like you to achieve your ‘5-a-day’ target, but is that really enough? We’re bombarded by the ‘5-a-day’ message, but some studies suggest that ‘7-10 a day’ would be far better in terms of improving our long-term health. For example, the recent …
Jun 13
Healthy Eating Week (Part 1 of 5)
This week is the British Nutrition Foundation’s healthy eating week. The problem with healthy eating is that it can be both extremely simple and rather complex. Simple in that a few basic principles apply to most people most of the time, and complex in that there are plenty of exceptions to every rule, and finding …
Apr 26
When it all goes Wrong (Part 1 of 2)
The world can be a very tough place to live in. And when one unpleasant thing happens, others often follow. If you’re struggling with any of the problems that regularly beset us; chronic stress, debt, bereavement, conflict and discrimination, it can be galling to look at all the people on social media with their perfect …