Today I’m going to tell you a story. Don’t worry about feeling like a child; nobody’s watching, and most people love a story.
Once upon a time, there was a King who owned a beautiful diamond. One day, as he was admiring his jewel, it fell to the floor. Alas! When he picked it up, he discovered it had developed a flaw. Only a small one, but enough to mar its perfection.
The King offered a huge reward to any jeweller who could make his diamond perfect again. From all over the Kingdom they came, but nobody could mend the diamond.
Finally, months later, an elderly man came to court. “Sire, I will make your diamond beautiful once again,” he claimed. The courtiers laughed at him, but he quietly went to work, returning the diamond to the King some hours later.
When he saw it, the King wept with joy. There in the diamond was a lovely rose, the flaw forming the stem. Although the diamond would never be perfect again, it would now forever be beautiful and unique.
Why do I tell you this story, and what has it to do with nutrition?
So often I find that my clients focus on their imperfections. Some of my clients stop working with me after one consultation because they say they ‘have no willpower’, or ‘are weak’. Their perception of their flaws stops them from making progress before they have even begun. They stop working with me because they are afraid of being judged. Worse still, they may never start working with me for the same reason.
If this sounds like you, here’s some good news.
I will NEVER judge you, so please don’t be afraid of admitting that you’re struggling, and asking for support. That’s what I’m here for!
You absolutely do have willpower; everyone does (you go to work every day even when you don’t want to; that’s willpower), and I can give you the tools to train yourself to harness it. I can also show you the very good reasons why willpower is not always enough, and what to do about it.
You don’t need to “change” (I really hate that word!) to work with me. Like the rose in the story, you have your own unique identity, and it is wonderful in and of itself, but you may need some guidance in bringing it out so you can really shine.
Whether you want to work on your nutrition, or banish your fears and unwanted habits with hypnotherapy, you can book a FREE, no obligation 20-minute chat with me to explore how we could work together. To book your call, click here.